Scholarships in Poland: How to get a scholarship in Poland
  • Finances and Scholarships

Scholarships in Poland: How to get a scholarship in Poland

Poland offers an appealing combination of high-quality European education, attracting students from around the world. In addition, the country provides affordable costs for both tuition and living expenses, making it a popular choice for international students. Scholarships play a key role in easing the financial aspects of studying abroad, and Poland is no exception. This article aims to guide you through the process of obtaining a scholarship in Poland, highlighting essential steps and tips to improve your chances.

Scholarships in Poland

Poland offers a broad range of scholarships for international students, including those from the Polish government and specific universities. Various organizations aim to promote international education through their scholarship programs in the country. Selection criteria typically involve academic achievements, language proficiency (often requiring B2 level in English or Polish), and sometimes specific qualifications related to the field of study. Financial coverage can vary from partial tuition waivers to full funding, covering tuition, living expenses, and sometimes travel costs.

Steps in applying for scholarships

To apply for scholarships in Poland, research opportunities through university websites, NAWA, and scholarship databases for a streamlined application process. Learn more about actual scholarships in our video. Prepare your application well before deadlines, typically by March or April for the academic year starting in October. Essential documents include your current academic transcripts, a motivation letter, CV, proof of language proficiency, and letters of recommendation. Ensure your motivation letter clearly articulates your academic and career goals and how the scholarship will help achieve them.


Erasmus+ Scholarship in Poland

The Erasmus+ programme offers all Polish university students study and exchange opportunities in other EU countries. The scholarship fully covers the costs of accommodation, food, and even traveling. Applicants must be a student at a member university in Poland and selected on the basis of academic achievement and good proficiency in English. This scholarship is available for all levels of higher education, making it accessible to a wide range of students. Additionally, it allows you to spend a semester or a year at a university in another EU country, providing valuable international experience. We have a separate article on the Erasmus+ programme in Poland, explaining all aspects and opportunities for students. You can find detailed information on it here.

Scholarships for academic and sports achievements

Some private universities, such as Vistula and the University of Economics and Human Science (UEHS), offer scholarships, specifically targeting high GPAs and sports achievements. These scholarships aim to reward students who have demonstrated outstanding academic results or excelled in sports at a competitive level. The average scholarship amount can vary from a 10% to 50% discount on tuition fees or be paid monthly. The monthly payment can range from 1000 to 1500 PLN, depending on the student's achievements and the specific criteria set by the education institution.

Securing a scholarship for studies in Poland is a competitive yet rewarding process. Start your preparation early, meticulously organizing your application to showcase academic and personal achievements. By doing so, you can improve your chances of receiving a financial support. Scholarships make studying in Poland more accessible, broadening educational opportunities for students. They also enrich your educational journey by opening doors to new experiences in this welcoming country.