How to Get a Student Visa in Poland
  • Visa and Legalization

How to Get a Student Visa in Poland

Getting a student visa in Poland opens the door to European higher education and various international opportunities. First of all, you'll have the opportunity of staying in Poland all year round. You can freely travel to other European Union and Schengen Zone countries for up to 90 days every six months. All holders of a student visa can work without limitations or getting additional permits. And individuals under 26 are exempt from paying any taxes! Learn more about the benefits of a student visa here. It's not just a chance to get quality education at an affordable cost. It's also a great opportunity to explore Europe, migrate and even earn some money.

How to apply for Polish Student

Required Documents for Student Visa in Poland

Whether you're applying to a university or starting your studies in Poland, you'll need a student visa. The necessary documents include:

  • Passport + copies of all filled pages.
  • Letter of acceptance from the university (original).
  • Proof of tuition fee payment (for the academic year).
  • Proof of student accommodation (dormitory placement or rental agreement).
  • Medical insurance for one year, with coverage of at least €30,000 (valid in the Schengen Zone).
  • Completed application form for the national type "D" visa.
  • Bank statement confirming student's funds (to cover living expenses and back tickets) or any other supporting document.
  • 2 recent photos, 3.5 × 4.5 cm.
  • In some cases, additional documents may be required, such as parental consent (for those who are under 18 y.o.), a motivational letter, or an interview to confirm your intentions to study in Poland. This depends on your individual case or the country from which you are applying.

For smooth document handling, consider professional assistance to save time and avoid stress.

wiza to poland

The Process of Obtaining a Student Visa

After collecting all the necessary documents, your path to a student visa includes obtaining an appointment and applying to the Polish Embassy in your country. As well as passing an interview (if required), paying the visa fee and waiting for a decision. Once you get a visa, you can legally stay, study, and work in Poland.

Difficulties in Student Visa Application

Despite the relative simplicity of the procedure, some students may face some difficulties. The main problem for students is getting an appointment at the Polish embassy to submit documents. You can register at the embassy through the online system e-Konsulat or VFS Global. We help all our clients to get an appointment to submit documents, regardless of the country of submission. Changes in legislation and document filing processes can also create difficulties. Special requirements of embassies and long waiting times for a decision or the need to provide additional documents. Being prepared for these difficulties, staying informed, and seeking timely specialist assistance is important.

Student Visa to Poland: Discover Europe!

Obtaining a student visa to Poland is a great opportunity to start your educational journey abroad. Follow all the mentioned steps, be attentive to details and don'tt hesitate to ask for help to go through the whole process without unnecessary stress and losses.