
Why Poland?

Studying in Poland is an excellent choice for students seeking high-quality education, affordable living costs, and a dynamic culture that's rich in history and diversity. 
With a strong economy and a high quality of life, Poland is a great place to build a future and explore all that Europe has to offer. What's more, living costs in Poland are among the lowest in Europe, making it an affordable option for students who want to study abroad.

About Poland

Student looking for a country to migrate to for your studies? 
Look no further than Poland!

Poland is a European Union member, located in Eastern Europe. The national currency is Polish Złoty (PLN), what is makes living in Poland more affordable compared to other Euro-currency EU countries.
With its affordable tuition fees, world-class universities, diverse and welcoming community, Poland becoming a top destination for international students.
Join the growing number of students who are choosing Poland and start your journey to success today!

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Beautiful Historical Cities of Poland













Are You Considering Studying Abroad, But Unsure Where To Go?


Affordable and World-recognized Education

So why do other students choose Poland? Polish universities offer a world-class education at a lower cost than many other European countries. Tuition fees are low and affordable living expenses, allowing students to focus on their studies. Also, every holder of a student visa or residence permit has the right to work legally without obtaining any additional permits, which makes it much easier to pay the costs or tuition fees for absolutely every student.

Poland is a rapidly developing country of the future

Poland is also a center of innovation and research, with a growing reputation for academic excellence. The Polish IT services sector is one of the leading and fastest growing in all of Europe. Many universities offer courses taught in the English language, which makes it easier for international students to integrate and succeed in their studies, as well as offering opportunities to develop their professional careers, both in Europe and around the world!

Fascinating nature

One of the safest counties in European Union

According to Eurostat, the crime rate in Poland is significantly lower than the European average. For example, in Poland, the number of thefts per 100,000 people is almost half that in Spain! And that's not the only indicator. The level of violent crimes is also one of the lowest in the EU. Moreover, Poland is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making it a wonderful place for studying and living. So, if you're looking for a safe and friendly environment for your studies, Poland is the perfect choice!

Choose Poland

Why choose Poland? Affordable education, academic excellence, cultural richness, and a welcoming society. No wonder more and more students are choosing Poland for their studies and migration. The low cost of education and living compared to the rest of Europe, the possibility to combine work and study, break all the false beliefs that high-quality European education is hard to reach. Huge career opportunities make Poland the perfect choice for anyone and everyone who wants to develop and learn about the world. Join them and start your way to success today!


Poland In Numbers




Economy in the world


Unemployment rate


In global living standards

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